The coronavirus pandemic has thrust the world into economic uncertainty.
Yet this has also created opportunity for many sectors with increased demand for critical products and services, causing employers to scramble for skilled professionals.
Comments Angel Jones, CEO of Homecoming Revolution, “In times of rapid change and uncertainty, employers need to hire managers and leaders who are adaptable, resilient and quick decision-makers. Not only will professionals need to cope with uncertainty, but they’ll need a high appetite for innovation and risk-taking”.
Homecoming Revolution has witnessed a rising demand for the following skills:
- E-Commerce Experts
- Supply Chain & Logistics Managers
- Payments Professionals
- Medical and Pharma Consultants
- E-Learning Specialists
- Digital Content Producers
In order for employers across industries to remain effective and relevant, they’ll need a robust pipeline of senior talent who have the right skills to navigate this new world of work.
Find out more about Homecoming Revolution’s Customized Candidate Maps which are essential for the future talent landscape.