Jul 30

5 C-suite skills critical to your company’s future

Rapid changes to the global workplace has left members of the C-suite ill-equipped to adapt and meet the demands of new ways of working.

Many of the core skills once regarded as essential for the C-suite are no longer considered relevant which is forcing organizations across the globe to reevaluate the main leadership skills needed by their executive heads.

According to the recently released EY CEO Imperative Study 2019, the top five new C-suite capabilities critical to company’s continued growth according to CEOs are: digital transformation (55%); innovation (53%); artificial intelligence (43%); data science (33%); and behavioral science (25%).

“Sub-Saharan African employers need to ensure their current and future leadership is equipped with the capabilities required to drive future growth and success in this fast-changing and volatile operating environment,” comments Jones, CEO of Sub-Saharan African Headhunting firm Homecoming Revolution.

“Executives will need to play an instrumental role in driving and navigating this landscape, pushing their organizations to evolve, upskill and be flexible to shifting market requirements, especially as new roles emerge and skills requirements change,” she continues.

Jones says employers need to conduct a ‘skills audit’ to gain a deeper understanding of their existing workforce’s skills and plan how they’re going to plug the various skills gaps in order to equip themselves for the next decade of work.

“Employers need to into only invest in upskilling and training their existing workforce, but ensure they have a solid pipeline of executive talent in place that can display strong leadership in the face of digital disruption, as well as help them remain competitive and continue to thrive.”

One of Homecoming Revolution’s core offerings is Candidate Catalogues, bespoke talent catalogues of our vast global network of African professional talent ideal for succession planning. Each catalogue is built from scratch according to each employer’s needs and specification. Get in touch to find out more about this exciting offering.