Jun 26

‘South African expats homecoming trends higher than expected’

This article, featuring insights from our recently released Homecoming Trends Report 2019, was published by South African news platform SA People on 25 June 2019.

Contrary to popular belief, more South Africans are returning home than public perception. When SAPeople published a blog recently from an expat who was moving with her young family back to SA after several years in the UK, there was an outcry. How could she do such a thing? But it turns out – according to a recent Homecoming Revolution survey – that there are many expats who are doing just that… returning to SA for a myriad of reasons from missing family to wanting to help build a better South Africa for all.

According to the recent “qualitative survey” of South Africans, East Africans and West Africans living abroad – 34 % want to return home and 22 % are still undecided.

Homecoming’s CEO Angel Jones said at an event in Johannesburg that these stats are “highly encouraging” and that “we have faith that President Ramaphosa will help South Africa become a fertile environment to attract skills home”.

Jones is herself the ultimate ex-expat… having returned home to South Africa, and encouraging others to follow, after hearing Nelson Mandela’s speech in Trafalgar Square – “I love you so much I want to put you in my pocket and take you home”.

Important Note to Set the Record Straight on ‘Brain Drain’ Figures

Recent ‘brain drain’ reports quoted Homecoming Revolution (HR) as stating that there are 2.7 million South Africans currently abroad. The figure was apparently derived from a comment made “out of turn” by Jones during an interview in March.

Jones has apologised for this “inappropriate and inaccurate statement” and Homecoming Revolution has officially retracted the statement, saying it does not have the official figures of the many South Africans abroad.

According to Homecoming, there is no indication of a ‘sudden’ brain drain… and a recent AfricaCheck article shows that expat statistics which have been recently quoted in the media are in fact from a migration paper in 2003.

The Homecoming Trends Report 2019 found that the majority left SA to pursue their careers.

Highlights from the Homecoming Trends Report 2019


Total Respondents 1956. (approx. 2 000)
83% South Africans
11% West Africans
6% East Africans


38% United Kingdom
17% USA and Canada
16% Europe
15% Australia and New Zealand
16% of our sample have already returned from working abroad.


34% YES
22% Undecided
44% No



“I am often asked if I regret having moved back to South Africa (esp. considering the rapid decline in the country since my return 7 years ago) and my answer is always ‘no’. As I’ve got older, being ‘home’ has grown in importance to me and I now know I’ll only leave SA again if really forced to.”

“South Africans need to be more positive about their country, appreciate what they have and fight to keep it. I’m sick of being asked in disbelief why I left England. SA’s think everything is better abroad, they need a reality check!”


Homecoming says it’s found that White South Africans and EE South Africans have spent the same amount of time abroad and that there is no indication of a recent spike in EE South Africans moving abroad
A higher percentage of EE South Africans (46%) want to return than White South Africans (26%)


Across all respondent groups, the Number 1 reason for moving abroad is for Career Opportunities.

For both White South Africans and EE South Africans the 2nd reason for moving abroad is Economic Stability.

The 3rd reason for White South Africans is Political Stability and the 3rd reason for EE South Africans is Improved Lifestyle.

From HR’s 2015 report the Number 2 Reason for moving abroad was Travel. This has now slipped out of the Top 3 reasons for leaving.

For both East and West Africans, the 2nd reason for moving abroad is Education Opportunities. With the 3rd reason being Economic Stability.


Majority of East Africans returned after 2 – 5 years.
Majority of West Africans returned after 5 – 10 years.
Majority of White South Africans returned after 5 – 10 years.
Majority of EE South Africans returned after 2 – 5 years.

Of the main industry groups, the percentage split is as follows

Financial services 21%
IT and Tech 20%
Healthcare 19%
Advisory and Professional 18%
Engineering 12%
Consumer 10%
As one expat said: “Recruitment firms in Africa can play a major role in connecting experienced professionals with potential employers.”


Friends and Family 24%
Sense of Belonging 17% and Weather & Lifestyle 17%
Making a Difference 10%
Career 5%
Crime Improvement 5%
Entrepreneurial Opportunities 5%
Political Stability 3%


Autonomy 21%
Flexi-time 18%
Purpose 18%
Career Path 15%
Education 13%
Surprisingly, Gender & Diversity did not rate as an important factor in the workplace.
Surprisingly, the respondents found that these important factors above were provided better abroad than at home
Overall, respondents feel that a company’s help in their relocation back home is important.
One respondent said: “I would consider moving sooner if the right opportunity came up… However, things have to be put in place to attract those living abroad.”

Jones said: “These findings prove that South African employers need to improve Autonomy, Career Path, Purpose and Flexi-time if they want to attract skills home”


Overall, 45% of respondents believe South Africa can alleviate the Brain Drain. 23% are undecided.
Although one would assume that the longer a person is a way, the more negative they are about Africa’s potential, the survey found there is no correlation whatsoever between negativity and years away.
General Comments from respondents:

“Working abroad is amazing, but Africa is my home. So many opportunities and so much potential.”

“From the elections of May 8, 2019, I believe that SA has the opportunity to be on a new trajectory in so many ways. Me and my family are seriously considering coming back.”


Africans abroad have a lot to contribute to Africa, and now is the time.
Access to medical and dental (in SA) is far superior. Lifestyle is excellent. Cost of living is better in SA… we have a great opportunity. But political leaders MUST put SA first and self-enrichment and divisiveness off the table. We must increase jobs and the tax base.
I have always had a desire to return and do something really useful with my life. I still believe SA can be that place.
South Africa is in my blood and heart.
South Africa is such a dynamic country and in a perfect world, South Africans, irrespective of race, creed or colour, should all come together to make it great…

Read the original article here


  1. […] Homecoming Revolution, a South African body which aims to bring home African diaspora professionals, says that many are returning, not just because of the state of the economy abroad, but for the opportunities awaiting back home. South African companies are currently prepared to offer excellent packages to skilled expats who will work in the country. Whereas 10 years ago these South Africans would have been absorbed into larger corporations, today it is medium-sized firms that are doing most of the hiring. At the same time, new flexibility around remote work has allowed others to bring their international jobs back to South Africa with them for the first time. […]

  2. […] Homecoming Revolution, a South African physique which goals to convey residence African diaspora professionals, says that many are returning, not simply due to the state of the economic system overseas, however for the alternatives awaiting again residence. South African corporations are at the moment ready to supply glorious packages to expert expats who will work within the nation. Whereas 10 years in the past these South Africans would have been absorbed into bigger firms, at this time it’s medium-sized corporations which can be doing many of the hiring. On the similar time, new flexibility round distant work has allowed others to convey their worldwide jobs again to South Africa with them for the primary time. […]

  3. […] Homecoming Revolution, a South African body which aims to bring home African diaspora professionals, says that many are returning, not just because of the state of the economy abroad, but for the opportunities awaiting back home. South African companies are currently prepared to offer excellent packages to skilled expats who will work in the country. Whereas 10 years ago these South Africans would have been absorbed into larger corporations, today it is medium-sized firms that are doing most of the hiring. At the same time, new flexibility around remote work has allowed others to bring their international jobs back to South Africa with them for the first time. […]