Mar 20

London 2016

4th & 5th March 2016 at the Park Plaza, Victoria.

Our London 2016 event  took place on 4th and 5th March 2016 at the Park Plaza Victoria. Attended by approximately 400 people, the interactive event equipped Africans living in the UK with everything they need to know about returning home including careers, property, relocation services, schools & immigration advice. Keynotes included: Nik Rabinowitz (South African Comedian), Bankole Cardoso (Nigerian homecomer & entrepreneur), Eddie Mandhry (Director for Africa, Yale Office for International Affairs) & Pumela Salela (Brand South Africa UK Country Head).



Africa Health Placements, Agco, Brand South Africa, Bryanston Resources, Guaranty Trust Bank, Ipreo,  Mace, MultiChoice, Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital, Pam Golding Properties & White & Company.

Post Event: Average of 4 candidates being pursued
per employer.

Industries represented by attending companies:

Breakdown of delegates by nationality:

Breakdown of delegates by gender:

Event Programme: