25 September at the Thomson Reuters Building, Times Square
Speed Meet New York, which took place at the Thomson Reuters building in the heart of Times Square, attracted 130 African trailblazers living in the USA who were interested in career opportunities on the continent. Top brands included Thomson Reuters, Deloitte, CSCS Plc and Brand South Africa. A top speaker line-up inspired the audience with very real examples of the potential and opportunities back home. Keynotes included Acha Leke (Director McKinsey & Co), Sneha Shah (MD Thomson Reuters Africa), Alex Okosi (VP & MD Viacom Africa) and Thebe Ikalafeng (African Brand & Reputation Architect)
Thomson Reuters, Deloitte, Pam Golding Properties, Brand South Africa, African Business Central, Young African MBA’s, Central Securities Clearing System PLC, Movebacktonigeria, Ndosi Strategies, Africa 2.0.
Breakdown of delegates by nationality:
Breakdown of delegates by industry:
Event Programme:
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