Angel Jones was a key speaker at the Annual HRD Conference in Cape Town where she spoke about the ”A3 Age of Work – Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime”.
Thank you Knowledge Resources for excellent content and wonderful new connections. It was well worth our sponsorship!
- Maja Macdougall (AFMS Group), Shireen Johnson (Virgin Active), Faatiemah Lodewyk (TalentCore Consulting), Ania Cupido (Cape Union Mart), Zohra Donn (AFMS Group)
- Catherine Mtshali, Phyllis Jackson (Rand Water)
- Susan Turton (Old Mutual), Alison Boruchowitz (PUMA), Humsha Ramgobin (Mediclinic), Nandipha Sishuba (Office of Premier EC)
- Angel Jones (HomecomingEx), Ryan Rutgers (Allan Gray Orbis Foundation)
- Angel Jones, Nomaxabiso Norma Teyise (, Advaita Naidoo (Jack Hammer), Bernadine Goosen (FVT HR Consulting)
- Anita Carollisen (PEP), Rizwana Butler (Capitec), Paul Steenkamp (Jack Frost)
- Wilhelm Crous (Knowledge Resources), Rishi Ramgulam (Cape Union Mart), Wahida Parker (Cape Town Tourism), Andrew Millson (Food Lover’s Market)
- George Carstens (Aspire Training Solutions) Sivena Manikam (RCL Foods), Justine Chetty (RCL Foods)