Feb 15

Why an upfront engagement fee guarantees the best talent.

Sometimes a new client of ours will ask us why they should pay an upfront engagement fee to commission their search for a candidate. Here’s why:

QUALITY OF CANDIDATES: Unlike other recruitment agencies, we do not advertise positions. Instead we specifically target and headhunt strong-fit candidates who may not necessarily be in the market. This process involve painstakingly mining our existing 19k database, plus carefully researching a wide pool of passive candidates that we haven’t engaged yet. From there we personally reach out to make one-on-one connections and dedicate considerable time in understanding each candidate’s personal career purpose and matching it with the EVP. 

GLOBAL & LOCAL SEARCH: Every search we do involves both a local and global search for the right African candidate. Since our offering now includes remote fractional work, this means that employers can tap into the wide “glocal” knowledge of experienced Africans, wherever they are in the world. 

TIME-TO-HIRE: The engagement fee ensures that we can dedicate our best recruiters to move fast and guarantee the delivery of strong candidates within 3 weeks.

DETAILED MAP: Every piece of work we do includes a detailed list of the pool of candidates that we’ve approached and screened. This research provides every employer with invaluable insight on the talent market.

INDUSTRY EXPERTISE: For specialised technical roles, we commission dedicated industry experts to bring their insights and direction to our search process.  This ensures that we’re sufficiently mining the right-fit candidate pool.

GUARANTEE: Should the hired executive leave within 3 months, we provide a replacement candidate. 

CANCELLATION COVER:  Should the role be changed or cancelled for any reason, the engagement fee covers the cost of our time. 

As they say, “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur”. 

If you’re an Employer who needs top executive talent, be it for Permanent, Part-time or Hourly engagements, please get in touch, as we’d obviously love to help. inf

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