Gugu Makhanya has joined Tiger Brands as a Cost Accountant. She says the opportunity came about at a time when she needed a new challenge and wanted to broaden her knowledge of Factory Finance.
“Tiger Brands was always on my bucket list of companies I wished to work for. Its brands have been part of my life from a very young age and have been passed from generation to generation in my family. Being involved in the production of such consumer brands has made my job more personal.”
She says the most exciting thing she has experienced since joining Tiger Brands is seeing the potential growth opportunities as well as the amount of mentoring and support available to develop and grow.
“I am very excited and motivated by this journey I have started with Tiger Brands.”
Gugu graduated from Wits University with a Bachelor of Commerce and started her career at Renault SA as a Graduate Trainee. She then moved to a Junior Accountant role at Associated Automotive Distributors in Elandsfontein. She says these two roles were key in setting a solid finance foundation.
In 2014, she joined Unilever SA as a Consolidation Accountant and during her time there, she developed an interest in Supply Chain Finance. In 2016, Gugu was promoted to Foods Product Cost Accountant and later moved to the Ola Factory as a Production Accountant.
When asked about her experience with Homecoming Revolution she replied, “It was my first time ever hearing about Homecoming Revolution when they headhunted me and I was amazed by the professionalism, patience and knowledge of the client. Homecoming Revolution is one of the companies that make you proud to be an African, it’s not just a recruitment company but is also a life changer for African Professionals worldwide.”
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